> How To Apply For BuySellAds And Get Approval ~ New Technology Hub

How To Apply For BuySellAds And Get Approval

Basically BuySellAds is an online ads serving company which offers CPC ads for website or blog. If you are good at blogging or interested to make website then you will surely like to make income from your website or blog's content. There are many ads serving companies offering ads for website or blog owners. I you want to get approval from these ads serving companies, you have to follow their Policies. If you are good at content writing and your website or blog have good traffic then you may get approval and can make huge income from your website or blog content. Top most company for publishers is Google AdSense and have very strict policies to get approval. But the best alternative of Google AdSense is BuySellAds. You may easily get approval for ButSellAds if you have good traffic and have at least 50 good quality posts.

While applying for BuySellAds, you have to fill in correct information or you will never get approval.

Also Read: Top Tips To Get Easily Approve For Google AdSense

Steps to apply for BuySellAds Publisher Account:

First of all you have go to BuySellAds's official website- click here
Here you will have register for a BuySellAds account to apply for publisher program. In this step just fill out proper and original details like "Email Address", "First Name", "Last Name", "Password", "Confirm Password" and click on Terms of Service. After filling out all details, click on "Create Account". Now your BuySellAds account is created successfully. 

Now you have apply for Publisher Program after completing the registration. Now click here and select "Get Started" Now in the next step you need to fill out some important details as listed below

Website Title: In this box you have fill out the title of your website or blog like "Technology Hub" and you are provided 27 characters in this box.

Website URL: In this box you have write your website's or blog's URL and it is clearly mentioned below the column that you do need to put http:// or https:// before the URL.

Description: This is the most important part of your and plays a big role in getting approval fastly for your blog or website. You have to describe your blog website in a perfect manner using most suitable and excellent words and you are restricted to describe in 70 to 80 words.

Channel: This is a drop down menu including type of websites. You just have select you website type like ( Technology, Science, Health and Fitness, Education, Sports, News). For example, if you have have website related to technology , then you just have to select Technology, and if you have website discussing about health then you have to select Health and Fitness. But make sure to select correct channel otherwise you will get disapproved.

Language: In this drop down menu different languages are listed and you have to select the language of your website content. Basically English language gets more preference to get easily approval.

Average Monthly Impressions: In this column you have to give an estimate on your average monthly impressions of your website or blog. But make sure to mention correct monthly impressions otherwise you will not get approval and it would present a fake personality. You can check average monthly impressions from your website statics in website dashboard or control panel.

After filling out all the correct details just click on "Submit" and your job is finished and you have to wait for result. You will get an email in few minutes or hours from the BuySellAds team that your application is received. Just wait for 2-4 days to get final result by BuySellAds team that your website get approval or not.
But if you didn't get approval, put more efforts towards your website content and be serious about website traffic.
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