> 10 Foods Items That Were Not To Be Found In Tiffin Boxes Two Decades Back ~ New Technology Hub

10 Foods Items That Were Not To Be Found In Tiffin Boxes Two Decades Back

Potato Fries
Potatoes only made it to our tiffin as part of a sabzi. Now, ready-to-eat smileys and French Fries are a working mom's best friend. Why? It does not require much time to cook and keeps the kids smiling, too.

Well, the only way some of us knew almonds was when it cam embedded inside chocolate bars. But parents are now packing boxes full of dry fruits such as almonds as a healthy lunch option.

Flavoured Corn Flakes
Unfortunately, we only knew of its poor, sticky tasteless cousin. But now, kids can choose from flavours such as strawberry, chocolate, honey almonds, banana corn flakes and more.

Multi-Grain Bread
There was no focaccia, garlic, multi-grain, honey eats or even brown bread to choose from. The only thing you would get back then was white bread or an occasional fruit bread. Take it or leave it.

Is mayonnaise a form of butter? Yes, it was that unheard of it. But kids these days can't do without either. Quiz them about the different varieties of mayonnaise and you will be surprised!

On a lucky day, we would open the tiffins to find a sandesh or rosogolla. Even that new girl in class, who would go on and on about her vacations abroad , hadn't heard of cupcakes. Now, kids can choose flavours, too.

Masala aloo(potato) between bread slices was considered a major treat. And they only made it to lunch boxes on birthdays or for pre-vacation "feasts". Now, chicken and veg burgers have replaced that humble sandwich and how!

"What's pasta?" would have been the reaction back then. But kids these days not only ask for pasta, but also specify if it should be  made in red or white sauce.

The only thing we dipped our toasts into was milk or tomato ketchup. Cut to 2015, kids demand dips such as garlic, jalapeno, chocolate and honey for their toasts and nachos.

Chips, Wafer
No matter how loud we sang "Bole mere lips ...." potato chips never made it to our lunch boxes. But different varieties of chips and wafers have found their way into tiffin boxes now.
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